High quality, diverse childcare
St. Ann’s Creative Learning Center will provide high quality, diverse childcare for all participating children, featuring an array of age-appropriate program options and activities that reflect children's age, development support, interests in a creative learning format. In doing so, it will provide peace-of-mind to guardians, who will know that their child enrolled, will be in a caring, safe, secure, educated and fun creative learning environment run by professional and enthusiastic Program Administrators, Teachers, and Activity Specialists.
We will maintain an open channel of communication between guardians and staff, be responsive to guardians needs, and ensure that all staff members understand their roles and program expectations and are accountable for their performance. Perhaps most importantly, the program will be an enriching experience, culturally, academically and socially, for all participating children.
1141 Castleton Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10310
(718) 273-5371